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Friday, 17 December 2010

Research: Seven intro sequence

Seven has an incredible introduction, in the short space of two minutes, eight seconds, we see many, many images related to forensic science and detective work, giving an early insight to the film's atmosphere; a gritty murder mystery story.
Below is my timeline:
0:01, we see a book in a dark atmosphere, "New line cinema presents" dashing across a small space in the scene, a page is turned.
0:06, director's name "An Arnold Kopelson production", no background emphasises his importance in this film.
0:08, a diagram of two hands are shown on screen, at 0:11, "a film by David Fincher" appears on top of the image.
0:12, a metal device is turned, we then cut to a razor, slicing some paper.
0:13 "Brad Pitt", written in a blackboard style font to emphasize the autopsy atmosphere.
0:15 the razor slices some skin off from a finger
0:17 "Morgan Freeman"
0:20, a teabag is dipped into a mug
0:21, autopsy photograph of a murder victim
0:22, teabag is shown mixing in with the water
0:23, "Se7en" dashes across the screen, at 0:26 a stack of books appear.
0:28, a photo album is opened
0:29, the pages in the book shown at 0:01 are being turned again
0:30, many cast names are shown against a black backdrop
0:32, a document is being written out
0:33, "Richard Roundtree"
0:36, a photograph is shown developing in a darkroom
0:38, "R. Lee Ermy"
0:39, a film strip of photographs being cut by a pair of scissors
0:40, scissors cut another photo by a book
0:41, John C McGinley
0:43, sellotape being sliced by a metal blade and a photo over a document
0:45, extreme close up of a dollar bill, "In God we trust"
0:46, more staff names appear
0:48, another autopsy photograph is shown
0:50, a document with lots of writing on it is turned over
0:53, staff member names
1:00, a small amount of writing is smudged by a finger
1:02, a document is censored by a black marker
1:03, another document is turned over
1:04, staff names
1:07, more censoring on a document
1:10, a photograph is censored by a marker and crew names are shown
1:16, a document is written up by a darkroom pool
1:19, a strip of photographs is held over a document.
1:24, Staff names
1:26, a document is stuck together with more staff names appearing at the bottom.
1:29, a page is turned revealing another document
1:31, an autopsy photo is shown
1:35, a page is turned and more names are shown
1:37, a needle is being pulled out from in between a finger and a thumb
1:39, producer and co producer names
1:42, string is threaded through the eye of a needle
1:43, another autopsy photo is shown with producer names shown
1:47, needle is threaded through two pages of documents
1:51, cast names
1:54, book shelf with cast names
1:58, producer names shown against a dark background
2:01, the word "God" being removed from the bill from 45 seconds in, implying the atmosphere of the film
2:05, "Directed by David Fincher"

From the sheer length of this timeline, you can see without reading that this sequence is packed with information.

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